face01lib.Core のソースコード


- Data structure:
    - Definition of person_data_list and frame_datas_array:
        - overlay (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Copy of frame
        - face_location_list (List[Tuple[int,int,int,int]]): List of face_location
        - name (str): Each of person's name
        - filename (str): File name
        - percentage_and_symbol (str): Concatenate of digit of percentage and '%' symbol
        - person_data_list (List): List of person_data
        - frame_datas_array (List[Dict]): Array of frame_datas
        - resized_frame (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Numpy array of frame

        >>> person_data = {
                'name': name,
                'date': date,
                'location': (top,right,bottom,left),
                'percentage_and_symbol': percentage_and_symbol
        >>> person_data_list.append(person_data)

        >>> frame_datas = {
                'img': resized_frame,
                'face_location_list': face_location_list,
                'overlay': overlay,
                'person_data_list': person_data_list
        >>> frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas)

- About coordinate order:
    - dlib: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom,)
    - Dlib_api(): (top, right, bottom, left)
    - see bellow
        - https://github.com/davisking/dlib/blob/master/python_examples/faceapi.py

- References:
    - About usage of 'cython':
        - see bellow
            - https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=sGggkVaRMzY

    - About mediapipe for python:
        - see bellow
            - https://github.com/google/mediapipe/tree/master/mediapipe/python
            - https://solutions.mediapipe.dev/face_detection#python-solution-api

    - About anti spoof function:
        - model
            - Original model create by Prokofev Kirill, modified by PINT
        - URL
            - https://github.com/PINTO0309/PINTO_model_zoo/tree/main/191_anti-spoof-mn3


# from __future__ import annotations

import os
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import exists
from platform import system
from shutil import move
from traceback import format_exc
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Tuple, Union

import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import mojimoji
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt  # See [](https://discuss.python.org/t/how-to-type-annotate-mathematical-operations-that-supports-built-in-numerics-collections-and-numpy-arrays/13509)
import onnxruntime as ort
# from memory_profiler import profile  # @profile()
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFile, ImageFont

from face01lib.api import Dlib_api
from face01lib.Calc import Cal
from face01lib.logger import Logger
from face01lib.models import Models
from face01lib.return_face_image import Return_face_image
from face01lib.video_capture import VidCap

Cal_obj = Cal()
VidCap_obj = VidCap()
Dlib_api_obj = Dlib_api()
Return_face_image_obj = Return_face_image()


anti_spoof_model: str = Models().anti_spoof_model_location()

# mediapipeのスパムログ出力を抑制 ####################
os.environ['GLOG_minloglevel'] = '3'  # 3: FATAL (致命的なエラー)
# ログレベルをERRORに設定 (INFOやDEBUGより低いレベルのログが出力されなくなる)
# mp.logging_util.set_verbosity(mp.logging_util.ERROR)  # mediapipe v0.10.14では未対応
# ####################################################

[ドキュメント] class Core: """Coreクラス. このクラスは多くの有用なメソッドを含みます。 """ def __init__(self, log_level: str = 'info') -> None: """init. Args: log_level (str, optional): ログレベルを受け取ります。デフォルトは`info`です。 """ # Setup logger: common way self.log_level: str = log_level import os.path name: str = __name__ dir: str = os.path.dirname(__file__) parent_dir, _ = os.path.split(dir) self.logger = Logger(self.log_level).logger(name, parent_dir) # Cal_obj.cal_specify_date(self.logger) # 日付による動作停止処理は廃止 # @profile()
[ドキュメント] def mp_face_detection_func( self, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], model_selection: int = 0, min_detection_confidence: float = 0.4 ): """RGBイメージを処理し、mediapipeを使って算出したface locationデータを返します. Args: resized_frame (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Resized image frame model_selection (int, optional): Value set in config.ini. Defaults to 0. min_detection_confidence (float, optional): Value set in config.ini. Defaults to 0.4. Returns: A NamedTuple object with a "detections" field that contains a list of the detected face location data. Refer: https://solutions.mediapipe.dev/face_detection#python-solution-api Note: number_of_people and same_time_recognize in config.ini are disabled when using mp_face_detection_func. """ self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.model_selection: Tuple[int] = model_selection, self.min_detection_confidence: float = min_detection_confidence """DEBUG VidCap().frame_imshow_for_debug(self.resized_frame) print(type(self.resized_frame)) """ # method 1 # mp_face_detection = mp.solutions.face_detection # with mp_face_detection.FaceDetection( # self.model_selection[0], # self.min_detection_confidence # ) as face_detection: # results = face_detection.process(self.resized_frame) # method 2 f = mp.solutions.face_detection.FaceDetection( self.model_selection[0], self.min_detection_confidence ) results = f.process(self.resized_frame) f.close() """DEBUG if not results.detections: exit(0) """ """リファレンス https://solutions.mediapipe.dev/face_detection#python-solution-api Processes an RGB image and returns a list of the detected face location data. Args: image: An RGB image represented as a numpy ndarray. Raises: RuntimeError: If the underlying graph throws any error. ValueError: If the input image is not three channel RGB. Returns: A NamedTuple object with a "detections" field that contains a list of the detected face location data.' """ return results
# @profile() def _return_face_location_list( self, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], set_width: int, set_height: int, model_selection: int, min_detection_confidence: float, same_time_recognize: int = 2 ) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]: self.face_location_list_resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.set_width: int = set_width self.set_height: int = set_height self.face_location_list_model_selection: int = model_selection self.min_detection_confidence = min_detection_confidence self.same_time_recognize: int = same_time_recognize self.face_location_list_resized_frame.flags.writeable = False face_location_list: List = [] # person_frame = np.empty((2,0), dtype = np.float64) # date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S,%f") # VidCap().frame_imshow_for_debug(self.face_location_list_resized_frame) results = \ self.mp_face_detection_func( self.face_location_list_resized_frame, self.face_location_list_model_selection, self.min_detection_confidence ) if not results.detections: return [] # face_location_list else: # n: int = 0 """TODO: なぜresults.detectionsは大きな数なのか? results.detectionは顔パーツそれぞれのデータを持つ可能性 →use_pipe = Trueの時はperson_frame_face_encodingとnumber_of_peopleは無効になる旨、ドキュメントに書いておきます。 """ for detection in results.detections: # if n >= 1: # # if n >= self.same_time_recognize: # break xleft: int = int( detection.location_data.relative_bounding_box.xmin * self.set_width) xtop: int = int( detection.location_data.relative_bounding_box.ymin * self.set_height) xright: int = int( detection.location_data.relative_bounding_box.width * self.set_width + xleft) xbottom: int = int( detection.location_data.relative_bounding_box.height * self.set_height + xtop) # see bellow # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71094744/how-to-crop-face-detected-via-mediapipe-in-python if xleft <= 0 or xtop <= 0: # xleft or xtop がマイナスになる場合があるとバグる continue face_location_list.append( (xtop, xright, xbottom, xleft)) # Dlib_api() order # n += 1 self.resized_frame.flags.writeable = True return face_location_list # @profile() def _draw_telop( self, logger, cal_resized_telop_nums: Tuple[int, int, int, int, npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64]], frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] ) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: self.logger = logger self.cal_resized_telop_nums: Tuple[int, int, int, int, npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64]] = cal_resized_telop_nums self.frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = frame x1: int y1: int x2: int y2: int a: npt.NDArray[np.float64] b: npt.NDArray[np.float64] x1, y1, x2, y2, a, b = self.cal_resized_telop_nums frame_view: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = self.frame.view( dtype=np.uint8, type=np.ndarray) try: # TODO: #21 numpyのfunctionを探す # https://numpy.org/devdocs/reference/arrays.indexing.html frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * a + b # frame[:,y1:y2, x1:x2] = frame_view[:,y1:y2, x1:x2] * a + b except: self.logger.debug("cannot draw telop image") # TODO np.clip return frame # @profile() def _draw_logo( self, logger, cal_resized_logo_nums: Tuple[int, int, int, int, npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64]], frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] ) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: self.logger = logger self.cal_resized_logo_nums: Tuple[int, int, int, int, npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64]] = cal_resized_logo_nums self.frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = frame x1: int y1: int x2: int y2: int a: npt.NDArray[np.float64] b: npt.NDArray[np.float64] x1, y1, x2, y2, a, b = self.cal_resized_logo_nums try: frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * a + b except: self.logger.debug("logoが描画できません") # TODO np.clip return frame # @profile() def _check_compare_faces( self, logger, deep_learning_model: int, known_face_encodings: List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]], face_encoding: npt.NDArray[np.float64], tolerance: float ) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.bool8], float]: """dlib_apiを用いてmatchリストとmin valueを返します. Args: logger (_type_): logger known_face_encodings (List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]]): known face encodesリスト face_encoding (npt.NDArray[np.float64]): 比較されるFace encoding data tolerance (float): tolerance値 Returns: Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.bool8], float]: match list, min value """ self.logger = logger self.deep_learning_model: int = deep_learning_model self.known_face_encodings: List[npt.NDArray[np.float64] ] = known_face_encodings self.face_encoding: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = face_encoding self.tolerance: float = tolerance self.threshold: float = Cal_obj.to_tolerance( self.CONFIG["similar_percentage"], self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"]) try: matches: npt.NDArray[np.bool8] min_distance: float matches, min_distance =\ Dlib_api_obj.compare_faces( self.deep_learning_model, self.known_face_encodings, self.face_encoding, self.tolerance, self.threshold ) return matches, min_distance except: self.logger.error("DEBUG: npKnown.npzが壊れているか予期しないエラーが発生しました。") self.logger.error( "npKnown.npzの自動削除は行われません。原因を特定の上、必要な場合npKnown.npzを削除して下さい。") self.logger.error("処理を終了します。FACE01を再起動して下さい。") self.logger.error("以下のエラーをシステム管理者様へお伝えください") self.logger.error("-" * 20) self.logger.error(format_exc(limit=None, chain=True)) self.logger.error("-" * 20) exit(0) # @profile()
[ドキュメント] def make_frame_datas_array( self, overlay: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], face_location_list: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]], name: str, filename: str, percentage_and_symbol: str, person_data_list: List, frame_datas_array: List[Dict], resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] ) -> List[Dict]: """Method to make frame_datas_array. Return the data structure of frame_datas_list. Args: overlay (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Copy of frame face_location_list (List[Tuple[int,int,int,int]]): List of face_location name (str): Each of person's name filename (str): File name percentage_and_symbol (str): Concatenate of digit of percentage and '%' symbol person_data_list (List): List of person_data frame_datas_array (List[Dict]): Array of frame_datas resized_frame (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Numpy array of frame Returns: List[Dict]: List of frame_datas_array Example: person_data >>> { 'name': name, 'pict': filename, 'date': date, 'location': (top,right,bottom,left), 'percentage_and_symbol': percentage_and_symbol } person_data_list >>> person_data_list.append(person_data) frame_datas >>> { 'img': resized_frame, 'face_location_list': face_location_list, 'overlay': overlay, 'person_data_list': person_data_list } frame_datas_list >>> frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) """ self.overlay: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = overlay self.face_location_list: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = face_location_list self.name: str = name self.filename: str = filename self.percentage_and_symbol: str = percentage_and_symbol self.person_data_list: List = person_data_list self.frame_datas_array: List[Dict] = frame_datas_array self.make_frame_datas_array_resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame if len(face_location_list) > 0: for face_location in face_location_list: # person_data = {'spoof_dict':{}, 'name': self.name, 'pict':self.filename, 'date':date, 'location':face_location, 'percentage_and_symbol': self.percentage_and_symbol} # self.person_data_list.append(person_data) frame_datas = { 'img': self.make_frame_datas_array_resized_frame, 'face_location_list': self.face_location_list, 'overlay': self.overlay, 'person_data_list': self.person_data_list } self.frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) else: frame_datas = { 'img': self.make_frame_datas_array_resized_frame, 'face_location_list': self.face_location_list, 'overlay': self.overlay, 'person_data_list': self.person_data_list } self.frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) """DEBUG logger.debug(f'frame_datas_array size: {len(self.frame_datas_array)}') logger.debug(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_filename) logger.debug(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno) """ return self.frame_datas_array
# pil_img_rgbオブジェクトを生成 # @profile() def _pil_img_rgb_instance(self, frame): self.frame = frame pil_img_obj_rgb = Image.fromarray( cv2.cvtColor(self.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGBA)) return pil_img_obj_rgb # 顔部分の領域をクロップ画像ファイルとして出力 # @profile() # TODO: Utils.align_and_resize_maintain_aspect_ratio()と被るし、こちらにalign機能がない。 def _make_crop_face_image( self, anti_spoof, name, dis, pil_img_obj_rgb, top, left, right, bottom, number_of_crops, frequency_crop_image ): self.anti_spoof = anti_spoof self.name = name self.dis = dis self.pil_img_obj_rgb = pil_img_obj_rgb self.top = top self.left = left self.right = right self.bottom = bottom self.number_of_crops = number_of_crops self.frequency_crop_image = frequency_crop_image date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S,%f") # TODO: CROPする時の余白を設定可能にする margin = 100 # 後にalign処理用にマージンを大きくとっておく imgCroped = \ self.pil_img_obj_rgb.crop( (self.left - margin, self.top - margin, self.right + margin, self.bottom + margin)).resize((600, 600) ) # TODO: outputのファイル名にanti_spoof結果を入れる if self.anti_spoof is True: filename = "output/%s_%s_%s.png" % (self.name, date, self.dis) else: filename = "output/%s_%s_%s.png" % (self.name, date, self.dis) imgCroped.save(filename) return filename, self.number_of_crops, self.frequency_crop_image # @profile() def _return_face_name( self, CONFIG: Dict, matches: npt.NDArray[np.bool8], min_distance: float ) -> str: """Get face_name. Args: CONFIG (Dict): CONFIG matches (npt.NDArray[np.bool8]): List of bool value min_distance (float): min value Returns: str: Name who is. """ self.CONFIG = CONFIG self.matches = matches self.min_distance = min_distance if self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"] == 0: # アレイ中のインデックスからknown_face_names中の同インデックスの要素を算出 # index: int = np.where(matches is True)[0][0] # bug: Trueが複数ある場合、最初の要素が取得されてしまう。 # # matches配列において、最初の列が1である行の中から、2番目の列の値が最も小さい行を見つける # 最小値のインデックスを取得 min_index = np.argmin(matches[matches[:, 0] == 1, 1]) # 最小値を持つ行のインデックスを求める rows_with_1 = np.where(matches[:, 0] == 1)[0] index = rows_with_1[min_index] file_name: str = str( CONFIG["known_face_names"][index]) + ':' + str(min_distance) return file_name elif self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"] == 1: # matches配列において、最初の列が1である行の中から、2番目の列の値が最も大きい行を見つける # 最大値のインデックスを取得 max_index = np.argmax(matches[matches[:, 0] == 1, 1]) # 最大値を持つ行のインデックスを求める rows_with_1 = np.where(matches[:, 0] == 1)[0] index = rows_with_1[max_index] file_name: str = str( CONFIG["known_face_names"][index]) + ':' + str(min_distance) return file_name # @profile()
[ドキュメント] def return_concatenate_location_and_frame( self, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], face_location_list: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]], npt.NDArray[np.uint8]]: """Return tuple. - concatenate_face_location_list - concatenate_person_frame Args: resized_frame (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Resized frame face_location_list (List[Tuple[int,int,int,int]]): Face location list Returns: concatenate_face_location_list (Tuple[List[Tuple[int,int,int,int]]) List of concatenated coordinates concatenate_person_frame (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]]) Image data of concatenated person image data """ self.return_concatenate_location_and_frame_resized_frame: npt.NDArray[ np.uint8] = resized_frame self.face_location_list = face_location_list """face_location_listはresized_frame上の顔座標""" finally_height_size: int = 150 concatenate_face_location_list: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = [] detection_counter: int = 0 person_frame_list: List[npt.NDArray[np.uint8]] = [] concatenate_person_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = np.empty( (2, 2, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for xtop, xright, xbottom, xleft in self.face_location_list: person_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ self.return_concatenate_location_and_frame_resized_frame[xtop:xbottom, xleft:xright] # person_frameをリサイズする height: int = xbottom - xtop width: int = xright - xleft # 拡大・縮小率を算出 fy: float = finally_height_size / height finally_width_size: int = int(width * fy) resized_person_frame: cv2.Mat = \ cv2.resize(person_frame, dsize=(finally_width_size, finally_height_size)) person_frame_list.append(resized_person_frame) # type: ignore """DEBUG cv2.imshow("DEBUG", person_frame) cv2.waitKey(5000) cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ # 拡大率に合わせて各座標を再計算する # person_frame上の各座標 person_frame_xtop: int = 0 person_frame_xright: int = finally_width_size person_frame_xbottom: int = finally_height_size person_frame_xleft: int = 0 # 連結されたperson_frame上の各座標 concatenated_xtop: int = person_frame_xtop concatenated_xright: int = person_frame_xright + \ (finally_width_size * detection_counter) concatenated_xbottom: int = person_frame_xbottom concatenated_xleft: int = person_frame_xleft + \ (finally_width_size * detection_counter) concatenate_face_location_list.append( (concatenated_xtop, concatenated_xright, concatenated_xbottom, concatenated_xleft)) # Dlib_api() order detection_counter += 1 """about coordinate order dlib: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom,) Dlib_api(): (top, right, bottom, left) see bellow https://github.com/davisking/dlib/blob/master/python_examples/faceapi.py """ concatenate_person_frame = np.hstack(person_frame_list) """DEBUG cv2.imshow("face_encodings", concatenate_person_frame) cv2.moveWindow("face_encodings", 800,600) cv2.waitKey(500) cv2.destroyAllWindows() exit(0) print("---------------------------------") print(f'concatenate_face_location_list: {concatenate_face_location_list}') print("---------------------------------") """ return concatenate_face_location_list, concatenate_person_frame
# フレーム前処理 # @profile()
[ドキュメント] def frame_pre_processing( self, logger, CONFIG: Dict, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] ) -> List[Dict]: """Return `frame_datas_array`. Args: logger (_type_): logger CONFIG (Dict): Dict of Initial settings resized_frame (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Resized frame Returns: List[Dict]: `frame_datas_array` Processing: - If CONFIG["headless"] is False - copy frame data for `overlay` - composite `telop` and `logo` - Compute face coordinates - Make `frame_datas` - `img` - `face_location_list` - `overlay` - If `CONFIG["headless"] is True`, insert `dummy data` - np.empty((2,2,3), dtype=np.uint8) - `person_data_list` - Make `frame_datas_array` - frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) Data structure of `frame_datas_array`: - `overlay` (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) - `face_location_list` (List[Tuple[int,int,int,int]]) - `name` (str) - `filename` (str) - `percentage_and_symbol` (str) - `person_data_list` (List) - `frame_datas_array` (List[Dict]) - `resized_frame` (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) See `Core.make_frame_datas_array()` Example: >>> exec_times = 2 # Initialize CONFIG: Dict = Initialize('FACE-COORDINATE', 'info').initialize() # Make generator frame_generator_obj = VidCap().frame_generator(CONFIG) # Make logger import os.path dir: str = os.path.dirname(__file__) log = Logger().logger(__file__, dir) # Make generator core = Core() # Repeat 'exec_times' times for i in range(0, exec_times): # Call __next__() from the generator object resized_frame = frame_generator_obj.__next__() frame_datas_array = core.frame_pre_processing(log, CONFIG,resized_frame) """ self.logger = logger self.CONFIG: Dict = CONFIG self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame person_data_list: List[Dict] = [] name: str = 'Unknown' filename: str = '' frame_datas_array: List[Dict] = [] face_location_list: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = [] percentage_and_symbol: str = '' overlay: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = np.empty( (2, 2, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # Dummy data # 描画系(bottom area, 半透明, telop, logo) if self.CONFIG["headless"] is False: # 半透明処理(前半) if self.CONFIG["show_overlay"] is True: overlay = self.resized_frame.copy() """DEBUG: Memory leak""" # テロップとロゴマークの合成 if self.CONFIG["draw_telop_and_logo"] is True: self.resized_frame = \ self._draw_telop( self.logger, self.CONFIG["cal_resized_telop_nums"], self.resized_frame ) self.resized_frame = \ self._draw_logo( self.logger, self.CONFIG["cal_resized_logo_nums"], self.resized_frame ) # 顔座標算出 if self.CONFIG["use_pipe"] is True: face_location_list = \ self._return_face_location_list( self.resized_frame, self.CONFIG["set_width"], self.CONFIG["set_height"], self.CONFIG["model_selection"], self.CONFIG["min_detection_confidence"], self.CONFIG["same_time_recognize"] ) else: # date: str = datetime.now().strftime("%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S,%f") # Not use face_location_list: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = \ Dlib_api_obj.face_locations( # Dlib_api_obj.face_locations( self.resized_frame, self.CONFIG["upsampling"], self.CONFIG["mode"] ) # 顔がなかったら以降のエンコード処理を行わない if len(face_location_list) == 0: frame_datas_array: List[Dict] = \ self.make_frame_datas_array( overlay, face_location_list, name, filename, percentage_and_symbol, person_data_list, frame_datas_array, self.resized_frame ) return frame_datas_array # 顔が一定数以上なら以降の処理を行わない if len(face_location_list) >= self.CONFIG["number_of_people"]: self.logger.info(f'{self.CONFIG["number_of_people"]}人以上を検出しました') frame_datas_array = \ self.make_frame_datas_array( overlay, face_location_list, name, filename, percentage_and_symbol, person_data_list, frame_datas_array, self.resized_frame ) return frame_datas_array frame_datas: Dict = { 'img': self.resized_frame, 'face_location_list': face_location_list, 'overlay': overlay, 'person_data_list': person_data_list } # frame_datas_array.extend(frame_datas) frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) return frame_datas_array
# 顔のエンコーディング # @profile() # @Cal_obj.Measure_func
[ドキュメント] def face_encoding_process( self, logger, CONFIG: Dict, frame_datas_array: List[Dict] ) -> Tuple[List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]], List[Dict]]: """Encode face data and Return bellow. - list of encoded data - frame_datas_array Args: logger (_type_): logger CONFIG (Dict): Dict including initial setting frame_datas_array (List[Dict]): frame datas Returns: - list of encoded data - Tuple[List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]] - frame_datas_array - List[Dict]] Definition of person_data_list and frame_datas_array: >>> person_data = { 'name': name, 'pict':filename, 'date':date, 'location':(top,right,bottom,left), 'percentage_and_symbol': percentage_and_symbol } >>> person_data_list.append(person_data) >>> frame_datas = { 'img': resized_frame, 'face_location_list': face_location_list, 'overlay': overlay, 'person_data_list': person_data_list } >>> frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) """ self.logger = logger self.CONFIG: Dict = CONFIG self.frame_datas_array: List[Dict] = frame_datas_array face_encodings: List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]] = [] # face_encodings_list = [] # Not used. for frame_data in self.frame_datas_array: resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = frame_data["img"] # [(139, 190, 257, 72)] face_location_list = frame_data["face_location_list"] if len(face_location_list) == 0: # 顔がない場合 return face_encodings, self.frame_datas_array elif len(face_location_list) > 0: # 顔がある場合 # 顔ロケーションからエンコーディングを求める if self.CONFIG["use_pipe"] is True and self.CONFIG["person_frame_face_encoding"] is True: """FIX 人数分を繰り返し処理しているので時間がかかる。 dlibは一つの画像に複数の座標を与えて一度に処理をする。 なので各person_frameをくっつけて一つの画像にすれば処理時間は短くなる。 numpy.hstack(tup)[source] Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise). https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.hstack.html """ concatenate_face_location_list: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] concatenate_person_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] concatenate_face_location_list, concatenate_person_frame = \ self.return_concatenate_location_and_frame( resized_frame, face_location_list ) face_encodings = \ Dlib_api_obj.face_encodings( self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"], concatenate_person_frame, concatenate_face_location_list, self.CONFIG["jitters"], "small" ) elif self.CONFIG["use_pipe"] is True and self.CONFIG["person_frame_face_encoding"] is False: try: face_encodings = \ Dlib_api_obj.face_encodings( self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"], resized_frame, face_location_list, self.CONFIG["jitters"], "small" ) # TODO: #34 use_pipe = TrueとFalseによる'face_encodings'の処理速度の違いを究明する # if face_encodings == []: # return face_encodings, self.frame_datas_array except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( f'resized_frame: {resized_frame}\nface_location_list: {face_location_list}') self.logger.warning(f'ERROR: {e}') self.logger.warning(format_exc()) exit(0) elif self.CONFIG["use_pipe"] is False and self.CONFIG["person_frame_face_encoding"] is True: self.logger.warning("config.ini:") self.logger.warning( "You cannot set person_frame_face_encoding = True if use_pipe = False") self.logger.warning("Change the settings appropriately") self.logger.warning("-" * 20) self.logger.warning(format_exc(limit=None, chain=True)) self.logger.warning("-" * 20) exit(0) elif self.CONFIG["use_pipe"] is False and self.CONFIG["person_frame_face_encoding"] is False: face_encodings = \ Dlib_api_obj.face_encodings( self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"], resized_frame, face_location_list, self.CONFIG["jitters"], "small" ) # face_encodings_list = face_encodings_list.append(face_encodings) # yield face_encodings, self.frame_datas_array return face_encodings, self.frame_datas_array
# 顔の生データ(np.ndarray)を返す """How to slice face_location order: top, right, bottom, left how to slice: img[top:bottom, left:right] """ # def return_face_image( # self, # resized_frame, # face_location # ): # self.resized_frame = resized_frame # empty_ndarray = np.empty(shape=(0,0,0), dtype=np.uint8) # if len(self.face_location) > 0: # top = face_location[0] # right = face_location[1] # bottom = face_location[2] # left = face_location[3] # face_image = self.resized_frame[top:bottom, left:right] # """DEBUG # from .video_capture import VidCap # VidCap().frame_imshow_for_debug(face_image) # VidCap().frame_imshow_for_debug(self.resized_frame) # """ # return face_image # else: # return empty_ndarray # フレーム後処理 # @profile()
[ドキュメント] def frame_post_processing( self, logger, CONFIG: Dict, face_encodings: List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]], frame_datas_array: List[Dict] ) -> List[Dict]: """Modify each frame's datas. Args: logger (_type_): logger CONFIG (Dict): Dict of initial settings face_encodings (List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]]): List of encoded face datas frame_datas_array (List[Dict]): List of datas Returns: List[Dict]: List of modified datas Modify: - Composite images - Default face image - Rectangle - Percentage - Name - Percentage calculation - Save cropped face images - Make person_data_list - Make frame_datas_list """ self.logger = logger self.CONFIG: Dict = CONFIG self.face_encodings: List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]] = face_encodings self.frame_datas_array: List[Dict] = frame_datas_array face_names: List[str] = [] face_location_list: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = [] filename: str = '' # debug_frame_turn_count = 0 # Not use modified_frame_list = [] # frame_datas_arrayについて一度づつ回す for frame_data in self.frame_datas_array: # frame_dataにface_location_listがなければ処理をとばす if "face_location_list" not in frame_data: if self.CONFIG["headless"] is False: # 半透明処理(後半)_1frameに対して1回 if self.CONFIG["show_overlay"] is True: cv2.addWeighted( frame_data["overlay"], self.CONFIG["alpha"], frame_data["img"], 1 - self.CONFIG["alpha"], 0, frame_data["img"] ) continue resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = frame_data["img"] face_location_list = frame_data["face_location_list"] overlay: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = frame_data["overlay"] # person_data_listが変数に格納される person_data_list = frame_data["person_data_list"] date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S,%f") face_encoding: npt.NDArray[np.float64] matches: npt.NDArray[np.bool8] min_distance: float # 名前リスト作成 for face_encoding in self.face_encodings: # Initialize name, matches (Inner frame) name: str = "Unknown" matches, min_distance = \ self._check_compare_faces( self.logger, self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"], self.CONFIG["known_face_encodings"], face_encoding, self.CONFIG["tolerance"] ) # if not np.any(matches is True): # If there is no such person if not np.any(matches == 1): # If there is no such person face_names.append(name) # Set "Unknown" continue else: # If there is an applicable person face_name: str = self._return_face_name( self.CONFIG, matches, min_distance ) face_names.append(face_name) # set the person's name if len(face_names) == 0: continue # face_location_listについて繰り返し処理 → **frame_datas_array**作成 # つまり人が写っているframeだけに対して以降の処理を行う、ということ。 number_of_people = 0 # 人数。計算上0人から始める。draw_default_face()で使用する for (top, right, bottom, left), name in zip(face_location_list, face_names): # person_data = defaultdict(int) # defaultdict(): k(eyの存在チェックが不要)[https://qiita.com/xza/items/72a1b07fcf64d1f4bdb7] # person_data = {} if name == 'Unknown': percentage_and_symbol: str = '' dis: str = '' p: float = 1.0 # nameが誰かの名前の場合、以下の処理を行う。 else: distance: str name, distance = name.split(':') # パーセンテージの算出 dis = str(round(float(distance), 2)) p = float(distance) # return_percentage(p) percentage = Cal_obj.return_percentage( p, self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"]) percentage = round(percentage, 1) percentage_and_symbol = str(percentage) + '%' # ファイル名を最初のアンダーバーで区切る(アンダーバーは複数なのでmaxsplit = 1) try: name, _ = name.split('_', maxsplit=1) except: self.logger.warning( 'ファイル名に異常が見つかりました', name, 'NAME_default.png あるいはNAME_001.png (001部分は001からはじまる連番)にしてください', 'noFaceフォルダに移動します') move(name, './noFace/') # return continue # nameがUnknownであってもなくても以降の処理を行う。 # クロップ画像保存 if self.CONFIG["crop_face_image"] is True: if self.CONFIG["frequency_crop_image"] < self.CONFIG["number_of_crops"]: pil_img_obj_rgb = self._pil_img_rgb_instance( resized_frame) if self.CONFIG["crop_with_multithreading"] is True: # """1.3.08 multithreading 9.05s with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(self._make_crop_face_image, CONFIG["anti_spoof"], name, dis, pil_img_obj_rgb, top, left, right, bottom, self.CONFIG["number_of_crops"], self.CONFIG["frequency_crop_image"] ) filename, number_of_crops, frequency_crop_image = future.result() # """ else: # """ORIGINAL: 1.3.08で変更 8.69s filename, number_of_crops, frequency_crop_image = \ self._make_crop_face_image( CONFIG["anti_spoof"], name, dis, pil_img_obj_rgb, top, left, right, bottom, self.CONFIG["number_of_crops"], self.CONFIG["frequency_crop_image"] ) # """ self.CONFIG["number_of_crops"] = 0 else: self.CONFIG["number_of_crops"] += 1 # 描画系 if self.CONFIG["headless"] is False: # デフォルト顔画像の描画 if self.deep_learning_model == 0: if p <= self.CONFIG["tolerance"]: # ディスタンスpがtolerance以下の場合 if self.CONFIG["default_face_image_draw"] is True: resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ self._draw_default_face( self.logger, self.CONFIG, name, resized_frame, number_of_people ) number_of_people += 1 # 何人目か """DEBUG""" # frame_imshow_for_debug(resized_frame) elif self.deep_learning_model == 1: percentage = Cal_obj.to_percentage( self.CONFIG["tolerance"], self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"]) if p <= percentage: # ディスタンスpがtolerance以下の場合 if self.CONFIG["default_face_image_draw"] is True: resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ self._draw_default_face( self.logger, self.CONFIG, name, resized_frame, number_of_people ) number_of_people += 1 # ピンクまたは白の四角形描画 if self.CONFIG["rectangle"] is True: if name == 'Unknown': # プリセット顔画像に対応する顔画像がなかった場合 resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = self._draw_pink_rectangle( resized_frame, top, bottom, left, right) else: # プリセット顔画像に対応する顔画像があった場合 resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ self._draw_white_rectangle( self.CONFIG["rectangle"], resized_frame, top, left, right, bottom ) # パーセンテージ描画 if self.CONFIG["show_percentage"] is True: resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ self._display_percentage( self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"], percentage_and_symbol, resized_frame, p, left, right, bottom, self.CONFIG["tolerance"] ) """DEBUG""" # frame_imshow_for_debug(resized_frame) # 名前表示と名前用四角形の描画 if self.CONFIG["show_name"] is True: resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ self._draw_rectangle_for_name( name, resized_frame, left, right, bottom ) pil_img_obj = Image.fromarray(resized_frame) resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ self._draw_text_for_name( self.CONFIG["deep_learning_model"], self.logger, left, right, bottom, name, p, self.CONFIG["tolerance"], pil_img_obj ) """DEBUG""" # frame_imshow_for_debug(resized_frame) # target_rectangleの描画 if self.CONFIG["target_rectangle"] is True: resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ self._draw_target_rectangle( person_data_list, self.CONFIG, resized_frame, top, bottom, left, right, name ) """DEBUG frame_imshow_for_debug(resized_frame) """ person_data = { 'name': name, 'pict': filename, 'date': date, 'location': (top, right, bottom, left), 'percentage_and_symbol': percentage_and_symbol } person_data_list.append(person_data) # self.frame_datas_array = \ # self.make_frame_datas_array( # overlay, # face_location_list, # name, # filename, # percentage_and_symbol, # person_data_list, # frame_datas_array, # resized_frame # ) # End for (top, right, bottom, left), name in zip(face_location_list, face_names) # _1frameに対して1回 <- ? # 人が写っているframeをforで回している途中です。 if self.CONFIG["headless"] is False: frame_datas = { 'img': resized_frame, 'face_location_list': face_location_list, 'overlay': overlay, 'person_data_list': person_data_list } """DEBUG frame_imshow_for_debug(resized_frame) self.frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) """ modified_frame_list.append(frame_datas) elif self.CONFIG["headless"] is True: frame_datas = { 'img': resized_frame, 'face_location_list': face_location_list, 'overlay': overlay, 'person_data_list': person_data_list } # self.frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) modified_frame_list.append(frame_datas) # else: # この処理はどうして書いたのか?不明。 # frame_datas = {'img':resized_frame, 'face_location_list':face_location_list, 'overlay': overlay, 'person_data_list': 'no-data_person_data_list'} # # self.frame_datas_array.append(frame_datas) # modified_frame_list.append(frame_datas) if self.CONFIG["headless"] is False: # 半透明処理(後半)_1frameに対して1回 if self.CONFIG["show_overlay"] is True: # cv2.addWeighted(overlay, self.CONFIG["alpha"], resized_frame, 1-self.CONFIG["alpha"], 0, resized_frame) for modified_frame in modified_frame_list: cv2.addWeighted( modified_frame["overlay"], self.CONFIG["alpha"], modified_frame["img"], 1 - self.CONFIG["alpha"], 0, modified_frame["img"] ) # """DEBUG""" # frame_imshow_for_debug(resized_frame) # return frame_datas """DEBUG print(f"modified_frame_list.__sizeof__(): {modified_frame_list.__sizeof__()}MB") """ return modified_frame_list
# @profile()
[ドキュメント] def r_face_image( self, frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], face_location: Tuple[int, int, int, int] ) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: """Return face image which expressed for ndarray. Args: frame (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Frame image face_location (Tuple[int,int,int,int]): Face location (coordinate) Returns: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: Face image which expressed for ndarray """ self.frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = frame self.face_location: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = face_location face_image: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = \ Return_face_image_obj.return_face_image( self.frame, self.face_location) return face_image
# @profile()
[ドキュメント] def return_anti_spoof( self, frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], face_location: Tuple[int, int, int, int] ) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]: """Return result of anti spoof. Note: This function is EXPERIMENTAL! It might occur side effects. Args: frame (npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): Each of frame face_location (Tuple[int,int,int,int]): Face location Returns: Tuple[str, float, bool]: - spoof_or_real - score - ELE - Equally Likely Events """ self.frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = frame self.face_location: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = face_location face_image: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = self.r_face_image( self.frame, self.face_location) # face_image = Return_face_image_obj.return_face_image(self.frame, self.face_location) # face_image = self.return_face_image(self.frame, self.face_location) # VidCap_obj.frame_imshow_for_debug(face_image) # DEBUG """ DEBUG: face_image確認 -> 正方形であることを確認した print(self.face_location) cv2.imshow('Core: DEBUG', face_image) cv2.waitKey(3000) cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ # 定形処理:リサイズ, 標準化, 成形, float32キャスト, 推論, 後処理 input_image: cv2.Mat = \ cv2.resize(face_image, dsize=(128, 128)) """DEBUG""" # VidCap_obj.frame_imshow_for_debug(input_image) input_image = input_image.transpose(2, 0, 1).astype('float32') input_image = input_image.reshape(-1, 3, 128, 128) # 推論 input_name: str = onnx_session.get_inputs()[0].name result: List[npt.NDArray[np.float32]] = \ onnx_session.run(None, {input_name: input_image}) # type: ignore # 後処理 result_ndarray: npt.NDArray[np.float32] = np.array(result) result_squeeze: npt.NDArray[np.float32] = np.squeeze(result_ndarray) as_index: np.int64 = np.argmax(result_squeeze) score: float = 0.0 if result_squeeze[0] > result_squeeze[1]: score = result_squeeze[0] - result_squeeze[1] else: score = result_squeeze[1] - result_squeeze[0] score = round(score, 2) ELE: bool = False if score < 0.4: ELE = True spoof_or_real: str = '' if as_index == 0 and score >= 0.8: # (255, 0, 0) # spoof_or_real = 'real' spoof_or_real = 'spoof' return spoof_or_real, score, ELE if as_index == 1 and score >= 0.8: # else: # spoof_or_real = 'spoof' spoof_or_real = 'real' return spoof_or_real, score, ELE else: spoof_or_real = 'cannot_distinction' return spoof_or_real, score, ELE
# 以下、元libdraw.LibDraw # @profile() def _draw_pink_rectangle( self, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], top, bottom, left, right ) -> np.ndarray: self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.top = top self.bottom = bottom self.left = left self.right = right cv2.rectangle( self.resized_frame, (self.left, self.top), (self.right, self.bottom), (255, 87, 243), 2 ) # pink return self.resized_frame # @profile() def _draw_white_rectangle( self, rectangle, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], top, left, right, bottom ) -> np.ndarray: self.rectangle = rectangle self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.top = top self.left = left self.right = right self.bottom = bottom cv2.rectangle(self.resized_frame, (self.left-18, self.top-18), (self.right+18, self.bottom+18), (175, 175, 175), 2) # 灰色内枠 cv2.rectangle(self.resized_frame, (self.left-20, self.top-20), (self.right+20, self.bottom+20), (255, 255, 255), 2) # 白色外枠 return self.resized_frame # パーセンテージ表示 # @profile() def _display_percentage( self, deep_learning_model, percentage_and_symbol, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], p, left, right, bottom, tolerance ) -> np.ndarray: self.deep_learning_model = deep_learning_model self.percentage_and_symbol = percentage_and_symbol self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.p = p self.left = left self.right = right self.bottom = bottom self.tolerance = tolerance font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL # パーセンテージ表示用の灰色に塗りつぶされた四角形の描画 cv2.rectangle(self.resized_frame, (self.left-25, self.bottom + 75), (self.right+25, self.bottom+50), (30, 30, 30), cv2.FILLED) # 灰色 # テキスト表示位置 fontsize = 14 putText_center = int((self.left-25 + self.right+25)/2) putText_chaCenter = int(5/2) putText_pos = putText_center - \ (putText_chaCenter*fontsize) - int(fontsize/2) putText_position = (putText_pos, self.bottom + 75 - int(fontsize / 2)) # toleranceの値によってフォント色を変える if deep_learning_model == 0: if self.p < self.tolerance: # パーセンテージを白文字表示 self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = cv2.putText( self.resized_frame, self.percentage_and_symbol, putText_position, font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) else: # パーセンテージをピンク表示 self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = cv2.putText( self.resized_frame, self.percentage_and_symbol, putText_position, font, 1, (255, 87, 243), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) elif deep_learning_model == 1: percentage = Cal_obj.to_percentage( self.tolerance, deep_learning_model) if self.p < percentage: # パーセンテージを白文字表示 self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = cv2.putText( self.resized_frame, self.percentage_and_symbol, putText_position, font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) else: # パーセンテージをピンク表示 self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = cv2.putText( self.resized_frame, self.percentage_and_symbol, putText_position, font, 1, (255, 87, 243), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) return self.resized_frame # デフォルト顔画像の描画処理 # @profile() def _draw_default_face_image( self, logger, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], default_face_small_image, x1, y1, x2, y2, number_of_people, face_image_width ): self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.default_face_small_image = default_face_small_image self.x1 = x1 self.y1 = y1 self.x2 = x2 self.y2 = y2 self.number_of_people = number_of_people self.face_image_width = face_image_width try: self.x1 = self.x1 + (self.number_of_people * self.face_image_width) self.x2 = self.x2 + (self.number_of_people * self.face_image_width) self.resized_frame[self.y1:self.y2, self.x1:self.x2] = self.resized_frame[self.y1:self.y2, self.x1:self.x2] * ( 1 - self.default_face_small_image[:, :, 3:] / 255) + self.default_face_small_image[:, :, :3] * (default_face_small_image[:, :, 3:] / 255) # resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * a + b # ValueError: assignment destination is read-only """DEBUG""" # frame_imshow_for_debug(resized_frame) except: logger.info('デフォルト顔画像の描画が出来ません') logger.info('描画面積が足りないか他に問題があります') return self.resized_frame # デフォルト顔画像の表示面積調整 # @profile() def _adjust_display_area( self, CONFIG, default_face_image ) -> tuple: self.CONFIG = CONFIG self.default_face_image = default_face_image """TODO: 繰り返し計算させないようリファクタリング""" face_image_width = int(self.CONFIG["set_width"] / 15) default_face_small_image = cv2.resize(self.default_face_image, dsize=( face_image_width, face_image_width)) # 幅・高さともに同じとする # 高さ = face_image_width x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0, self.CONFIG["set_height"] - face_image_width - \ 10, face_image_width, self.CONFIG["set_height"] - 10 return x1, y1, x2, y2, default_face_small_image, face_image_width # @profile() def _draw_default_face( self, logger, CONFIG, name, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], number_of_people ): self.logger = logger self.CONFIG = CONFIG self.name = name self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.number_of_people = number_of_people default_face_image_dict = self.CONFIG["default_face_image_dict"] default_name_png = self.name + '_default.png' default_face_image_name_png = './preset_face_images/' + default_name_png if not self.name in default_face_image_dict: # default_face_image_dictにnameが存在しなかった場合 # 各人物のデフォルト顔画像ファイルの読み込み if exists(default_face_image_name_png): # WINDOWSのopencv-python4.2.0.32ではcv2.imread()でpng画像を読み込めないバグが # 存在する可能性があると思う。そこでPNG画像の読み込みにはpillowを用いることにする default_face_image = np.array( Image.open(default_face_image_name_png)) """DEBUG frame_imshow_for_debug(default_face_image) """ # BGAをRGBへ変換 default_face_image = cv2.cvtColor( default_face_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGBA) """DEBUG frame_imshow_for_debug(default_face_image) """ # if default_face_image.ndim == 3: # RGBならアルファチャンネル追加 resized_frameがアルファチャンネルを持っているから。 # default_face_imageをメモリに保持 # キーnameと値default_face_imageの組み合わせを挿入する default_face_image_dict[self.name] = default_face_image else: if self.name != 'Unknown': self.logger.info( f'{self.name}さんのデフォルト顔画像ファイルがpreset_face_imagesフォルダに存在しません') self.logger.info( f'{self.name}さんのデフォルト顔画像ファイルをpreset_face_imagesフォルダに用意してください') else: # default_face_image_dictにnameが存在した場合 # キーnameに対応する値をdefault_face_imageへ格納する default_face_image = default_face_image_dict[self.name] """DEBUG frame_imshow_for_debug(default_face_image) # OK """ x1, y1, x2, y2, default_face_small_image, face_image_width = self._adjust_display_area( CONFIG, default_face_image) resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = self._draw_default_face_image( logger, resized_frame, default_face_small_image, x1, y1, x2, y2, number_of_people, face_image_width) return resized_frame # @profile() def _draw_rectangle_for_name( self, name, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], left, right, bottom ): self.name = name self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.left = left self.right = right self.bottom = bottom if self.name == 'Unknown': # nameがUnknownだった場合 self.resized_frame = cv2.rectangle(self.resized_frame, ( self.left-25, self.bottom + 25), (self.right+25, self.bottom+50), (255, 87, 243), cv2.FILLED) # pink else: # nameが既知だった場合 # cv2.rectangle(resized_frame, (left-25, bottom + 25), (right+25, bottom+50), (211, 173, 54), thickness = 1) # 濃い水色の線 self.resized_frame = cv2.rectangle(self.resized_frame, ( self.left-25, self.bottom + 25), (self.right+25, self.bottom+50), (211, 173, 54), cv2.FILLED) # 濃い水色 return self.resized_frame # 帯状四角形(ピンク)の描画 # @profile() def _draw_error_messg_rectangle( self, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], set_height, set_width ): """Deprecated.""" self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.set_height = set_height self.set_width = set_width error_messg_rectangle_top: int = int((self.set_height + 20) / 2) error_messg_rectangle_bottom: int = int((self.set_height + 120) / 2) error_messg_rectangle_left: int = 0 error_messg_rectangle_right: int = self.set_width cv2.rectangle(self.resized_frame, (error_messg_rectangle_left, error_messg_rectangle_top), ( error_messg_rectangle_right, error_messg_rectangle_bottom), (255, 87, 243), cv2.FILLED) # pink return error_messg_rectangle_left, error_messg_rectangle_right, error_messg_rectangle_bottom # drawオブジェクトを生成 # @profile() def _make_draw_object(self, frame): self.frame = frame draw = ImageDraw.Draw(Image.fromarray(self.frame)) return draw # @profile() def _draw_error_messg_rectangle_messg( self, draw, error_messg_rectangle_position, error_messg_rectangle_messg, error_messg_rectangle_font ): """Deprecated.""" self.draw = draw self.error_messg_rectangle_position = error_messg_rectangle_position self.error_messg_rectangle_messg = error_messg_rectangle_messg self.error_messg_rectangle_font = error_messg_rectangle_font draw.text(self.error_messg_rectangle_position, self.error_messg_rectangle_messg, fill=( 255, 255, 255, 255), font=self.error_messg_rectangle_font) # @profile() def _return_fontpath(self, logger): # フォントの設定(フォントファイルのパスと文字の大きさ) operating_system: str = system() fontpath: str = '' if (operating_system == 'Linux'): # fontpath = "/usr/share/fonts/opentype/noto/NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc" fontpath = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/mplus/mplus-1mn-bold.ttf" elif (operating_system == 'Windows'): # fontpath = "C:/WINDOWS/FONTS/BIZ-UDGOTHICR.TTC" fontpath = "C:/WINDOWS/FONTS/BIZ-UDGOTHICB.TTC" # bold体 else: logger.info('オペレーティングシステムの確認が出来ません。システム管理者にご連絡ください') return fontpath # @profile() def _calculate_text_position( self, left, right, name, fontsize, bottom ): # TODO: #17 英数字のみの場合の位置決定バグ self.left = left self.right = right self.name = name self.fontsize = fontsize self.bottom = bottom center = int((self.left + self.right)/2) chaCenter = int(len(self.name)/2) pos = center - (chaCenter * self.fontsize) - int(self.fontsize/2) position = (pos, self.bottom + (self.fontsize * 2)) Unknown_position = (pos + self.fontsize, self.bottom + (self.fontsize * 2)) return position, Unknown_position # @profile() def _draw_name( self, deep_learning_model, name, pil_img_obj, Unknown_position, font, p, tolerance, position ): self.deep_learning_model = deep_learning_model self.name = name self.pil_img_obj = pil_img_obj self.Unknown_position = Unknown_position self.font = font self.p = p self.tolerance = tolerance self.position = position local_draw_obj = ImageDraw.Draw(self.pil_img_obj) if self.name == 'Unknown': # nameがUnknownだった場合 # draw.text(Unknown_position, '照合不一致', fill=(255, 255, 255, 255), font = font) # unregistered = mojimoji.han_to_zen('UNREGISTERED') # local_draw_obj.text(self.Unknown_position, unregistered, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255), font = self.font) local_draw_obj.text(self.Unknown_position, 'UNREGISTERED', fill=( 255, 255, 255, 255), font=self.font) # local_draw_obj.text(self.Unknown_position, ' 未登録', fill=(255, 255, 255, 255), font = self.font) else: # nameが既知の場合 if deep_learning_model == 0: # if percentage > 99.0: if self.p < self.tolerance: # nameの描画 local_draw_obj.text(self.position, self.name, fill=( 255, 255, 255, 255), font=self.font) else: local_draw_obj.text(self.position, self.name, fill=( 255, 87, 243, 255), font=self.font) elif deep_learning_model == 1: percentage = Cal_obj.to_percentage( self.tolerance, deep_learning_model) if self.p < percentage: # nameの描画 local_draw_obj.text(self.position, self.name, fill=( 255, 255, 255, 255), font=self.font) else: local_draw_obj.text(self.position, self.name, fill=( 255, 87, 243, 255), font=self.font) return self.pil_img_obj # pil_img_objをnumpy配列に変換 # @profile() def _convert_pil_img_to_ndarray( self, pil_img_obj ): self.pil_img_obj = pil_img_obj frame = np.array(self.pil_img_obj) """DEBUG: Memory leak del pil_img_obj gc.collect() """ return frame # @profile() def _draw_text_for_name( self, deep_learning_model, logger, left, right, bottom, name, p, tolerance, pil_img_obj ): self.deep_learning_model = deep_learning_model self.logger = logger self.left = left self.right = right self.bottom = bottom self.name = name self.p = p self.tolerance = tolerance self.pil_img_obj = pil_img_obj # すべての文字を全角変換する self.name = mojimoji.han_to_zen( self.name, ascii=True, kana=True, digit=True) fontpath = self._return_fontpath(logger) """TODO #16 FONTSIZEハードコーティング訂正""" fontsize = 14 font = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, fontsize, encoding='utf-8') # テキスト表示位置決定 position, Unknown_position = \ self._calculate_text_position( self.left, self.right, self.name, fontsize, self.bottom ) # nameの描画 self.pil_img_obj = \ self._draw_name( self.deep_learning_model, self.name, self.pil_img_obj, Unknown_position, font, self.p, self.tolerance, position ) # pil_img_objをnumpy配列に変換 resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = self._convert_pil_img_to_ndarray( self.pil_img_obj) # del self.pil_img_obj return resized_frame # target_rectangleの描画 # @profile() def _draw_target_rectangle( self, person_data_list, CONFIG, resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], top, bottom, left, right, name ): self.person_data_list = person_data_list, self.anti_spoof = CONFIG["anti_spoof"], self.rect01_png = CONFIG["rect01_png"] self.rect01_NG_png = CONFIG["rect01_NG_png"] self.rect01_REAL_png = CONFIG["rect01_REAL_png"] self.rect01_SPOOF_png = CONFIG["rect01_SPOOF_png"] self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png = CONFIG["rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png"] self.resized_frame: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] = resized_frame self.top = top self.bottom = bottom self.left = left self.right = right self.name = name face_location = (self.top, self.right, self.bottom, self.left) width_ratio: float height_ratio: float face_width: int face_height: int result = None spoof_or_real = None score = 0.0 ELE = True if self.anti_spoof[0] is True: # Fix: TODO: この箇所でreturn_anti_spoof()を呼び出すのは重複になる # for person_data in self.person_data_list: # for person_data_element in person_data: # if person_data_element == {}: # continue # spoof_or_real = person_data_element["spoof_dict"]["spoof_or_real"] # score = person_data_element["spoof_dict"]["score"] # ELE = person_data_element["spoof_dict"]["ELE"] # ELE: Equally Likely Events spoof_or_real, score, ELE = self.return_anti_spoof( self.resized_frame, face_location) if spoof_or_real == 'spoof' and ELE is False: face_width: int = self.right - self.left face_height: int = self.bottom - self.top orgHeight, orgWidth = self.rect01_SPOOF_png.shape[:2] width_ratio = 1.0 * (face_width / orgWidth) height_ratio = 1.0 * (face_height / orgHeight) self.rect01_SPOOF_png = cv2.resize( self.rect01_SPOOF_png, None, fx=width_ratio, fy=height_ratio) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.left, self.top, self.left + \ self.rect01_SPOOF_png.shape[1], self.top + \ self.rect01_SPOOF_png.shape[0] try: self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * (1 - self.rect01_SPOOF_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) + \ self.rect01_SPOOF_png[:, :, :3] * \ (self.rect01_SPOOF_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) except: # TODO: np.clip pass elif spoof_or_real == 'cannot_distinction' and ELE is False: face_width: int = self.right - self.left face_height: int = self.bottom - self.top orgHeight, orgWidth = self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png.shape[:2] width_ratio = 1.0 * (face_width / orgWidth) height_ratio = 1.0 * (face_height / orgHeight) self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png = cv2.resize( self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png, None, fx=width_ratio, fy=height_ratio) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.left, self.top, self.left + \ self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png.shape[1], self.top + \ self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png.shape[0] try: self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * (1 - self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) + \ self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png[:, :, :3] * ( self.rect01_CANNOT_DISTINCTION_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) except: # TODO: np.clip pass elif self.name != 'Unknown' and spoof_or_real == 'real' and ELE is False: # self.nameが既知の場合 face_width: int = self.right - self.left face_height: int = self.bottom - self.top orgHeight, orgWidth = self.rect01_REAL_png.shape[:2] width_ratio = 1.0 * (face_width / orgWidth) height_ratio = 1.0 * (face_height / orgHeight) self.rect01_REAL_png = cv2.resize( self.rect01_REAL_png, None, fx=width_ratio, fy=height_ratio) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.left, self.top, self.left + \ self.rect01_REAL_png.shape[1], self.top + \ self.rect01_REAL_png.shape[0] try: self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * (1 - self.rect01_REAL_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) + \ self.rect01_REAL_png[:, :, :3] * \ (self.rect01_REAL_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) except: # TODO: np.clip pass elif self.name == 'Unknown' and spoof_or_real == 'real' and ELE is False: # self.nameがUnknownだった場合 fx: float = 0.0 face_width = self.right - self.left face_height = self.bottom - self.top # rect01_NG_png←ピンクのtarget_rectangle # rect01_NG_png: cv2.Mat = cv2.imread("images/rect01_NG.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) orgHeight, orgWidth = self.rect01_NG_png.shape[:2] width_ratio = float(1.0 * (face_width / orgWidth)) height_ratio = 1.0 * (face_height / orgHeight) self.rect01_NG_png = cv2.resize( self.rect01_NG_png, None, fx=width_ratio, fy=height_ratio) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.left, self.top, self.left + \ self.rect01_NG_png.shape[1], self.top + \ self.rect01_NG_png.shape[0] try: self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * (1 - self.rect01_NG_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) + \ self.rect01_NG_png[:, :, :3] * \ (self.rect01_NG_png[:, :, 3:] / int(255)) except: # TODO: np.clip pass elif self.anti_spoof[0] is False: # BUG FIX: v1.4.04 ELE = False if self.name != 'Unknown': # self.nameが既知の場合 face_width: int = self.right - self.left face_height: int = self.bottom - self.top orgHeight, orgWidth = self.rect01_png.shape[:2] width_ratio = 1.0 * (face_width / orgWidth) height_ratio = 1.0 * (face_height / orgHeight) self.rect01_png = cv2.resize( self.rect01_png, None, fx=width_ratio, fy=height_ratio) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.left, self.top, self.left + \ self.rect01_png.shape[1], self.top + \ self.rect01_png.shape[0] try: self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * (1 - self.rect01_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) + \ self.rect01_png[:, :, :3] * \ (self.rect01_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) except: # TODO: np.clip pass elif self.name == 'Unknown': # self.nameがUnknownだった場合 fx: float = 0.0 face_width = self.right - self.left face_height = self.bottom - self.top # rect01_NG_png←ピンクのtarget_rectangle # rect01_NG_png: cv2.Mat = cv2.imread("images/rect01_NG.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) orgHeight, orgWidth = self.rect01_NG_png.shape[:2] width_ratio = float(1.0 * (face_width / orgWidth)) height_ratio = 1.0 * (face_height / orgHeight) self.rect01_NG_png = cv2.resize( self.rect01_NG_png, None, fx=width_ratio, fy=height_ratio) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.left, self.top, self.left + \ self.rect01_NG_png.shape[1], self.top + \ self.rect01_NG_png.shape[0] try: self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.resized_frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] * (1 - self.rect01_NG_png[:, :, 3:] / 255) + \ self.rect01_NG_png[:, :, :3] * \ (self.rect01_NG_png[:, :, 3:] / int(255)) except: # TODO: np.clip pass return self.resized_frame
[ドキュメント] def common_process( self, CONFIG: Dict ) -> Generator: """Generator of frame_datas_array. common_process function consists 3 part of Core() methods. 1. Core().frame_pre_processing 2. Core().face_encoding_process 3. Core().frame_post_processing Yields: Generator: frame_datas_array - frame_datas_array: List[Dict] Example: Make generator object >>> obj = Core().common_process(CONFIG) Call '__next__()' method >>> while True: frame_datas_array = obj.__next__() """ self.CONFIG: Dict = CONFIG frame_generator_obj = VidCap_obj.frame_generator(self.CONFIG) while True: try: frame_datas_array: List[Dict] = \ self.frame_pre_processing( self.logger, CONFIG, frame_generator_obj.__next__() ) """DEBUG self.logger.debug(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_filename) self.logger.debug(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno) self.logger.debug(f'frame_datas_array size: {len(frame_datas_array), getsizeof(frame_datas_array)}') self.logger.debug(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_filename) self.logger.debug(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno) self.logger.debug(f'CONFIG size: {len(CONFIG), getsizeof(CONFIG)}') """ face_encodings, frame_datas_array = \ self.face_encoding_process( self.logger, CONFIG, frame_datas_array ) # FIXED: ISSUE: #1 Awai_diff if len(face_encodings) == 0: # DEBUG: # VidCap_obj.frame_imshow_for_debug(frame_datas_array[0]['img']) yield frame_datas_array continue frame_datas_array = \ self.frame_post_processing( self.logger, CONFIG, face_encodings, frame_datas_array ) yield frame_datas_array except StopIteration: self.logger.warning("DATA RECEPTION HAS ENDED") exit(0) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning("ERROR OCURRED") self.logger.warning("-" * 20) self.logger.warning(f"ERROR TYPE: {e}") self.logger.warning(format_exc(limit=None, chain=True)) self.logger.warning("-" * 20) exit(0)
[ドキュメント] def override_args_dict( self, CONFIG: Dict, override_list: List[Tuple] ) -> Dict: """Override CONFIG for example. Args: Dict: CONFIG List[Tuple]: override_list Returns: Dict: CONFIG Example: >>> CONFIG = Core.override_args_dict( CONFIG, [ ('crop_face_image', False), ('output_debug_log', True) ] ) Note: - *THIS METHOD IS EXPERIMENTAL* - Unexpected side effects may occur. - If you specified key is not exist, application will fail down with print out log 'warning'. - You cannot change key 'headless'. If override it, application will fall down. """ self.logger.warning("'override' method is EXPERIMENTAL") self.logger.warning("Unexpected side effects may occur") element: Tuple for element in override_list: key, value = element if not key in CONFIG: self.logger.error(f"{key} dose not exist") exit() if key == 'headless': self.logger.warning( "You cannot change key 'headless' from True to False.") self.logger.warning("exit") exit() CONFIG[key] = value return CONFIG