example.lightweight_GUI のソースコード



    .. code-block:: bash

        python3 example/lightweight_GUI.py


    .. image:: ../example/img/lightweight_GUI.png
        :scale: 50%
        :alt: Screenshot of the lightweight GUI output


    .. code-block:: console

        [2023-01-23 22:33:18,752] [face01lib.load_preset_image] [load_preset_image.py] [INFO] Loading npKnown.npz
                similarity              99.7%
                coordinate              (134, 431, 248, 317)
                time                    2023,01,23,22,33,23,445574
                output                  output/安倍晋三_2023,01,23,22,33,23,446640_0.19.png

Source code:
    `lightweight_GUI.py <https://github.com/yKesamaru/FACE01_DEV/blob/master/example/lightweight_GUI.py>`_
# Operate directory: Common to all examples
import os.path
import sys

dir: str = os.path.dirname(__file__)
parent_dir, _ = os.path.split(dir)

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import Button, Label
from typing import Dict

import cv2
from PIL import Image, ImageTk  # Pillowライブラリをインポート

from face01lib.Core import Core
from face01lib.Initialize import Initialize
from face01lib.logger import Logger

[ドキュメント] class App: def __init__(self, root, exec_times=500): self.root = root self.exec_times = exec_times self.root.title('LIGHTWEIGHT GUI APP') # ラベルとボタンを配置 self.label = Label(root, text='LIGHTWEIGHT GUI app sample') self.label.pack() self.display = Label(root) self.display.pack() self.terminate_button = Button(root, text='TERMINATE', command=self.terminate, width=50, bg='red') self.terminate_button.pack() # 画像表示用のインスタンス変数 self.img_tk = None self.current_frame_datas_array = None # 現在のフレームデータを保持するための変数 # ジェネレータを作成 self.gen = Core().common_process(CONFIG) # GUIを更新する self.update_image()
[ドキュメント] def update_image(self): self.current_frame_datas_array = self.gen.__next__() for frame_datas in self.current_frame_datas_array: img = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(frame_datas['img'], cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) self.img_tk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=img) # 画像をインスタンス変数に保持 self.display.config(image=self.img_tk) # 100ミリ秒ごとにウィンドウを更新 self.root.after(100, self.update_image)
[ドキュメント] def terminate(self): self.root.quit()
if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize CONFIG: Dict = Initialize('LIGHTWEIGHT_GUI', 'info').initialize() # Set up logger logger = Logger(CONFIG['log_level']).logger(__file__, CONFIG['RootDir']) root = tk.Tk() app = App(root, exec_times=500) root.mainloop()