example.data_structure のソースコード


    .. code-block:: bash

        python3 example data_structure.py

Config.ini setting:

    .. code-block:: bash

        # [DEFAULT] section is for simple example.
        # This [DEFAULT] setting for only use CUI mode.
        # Also, This setting is for user who's PC is not installed Nvidia GPU card.
        # [DEFAULT] section is the inheritor of all sections.
        headless = True
        anti_spoof = False
        output_debug_log = False
        log_level = info
        set_width = 750
        similar_percentage = 99.1
        jitters = 0
        preset_face_images_jitters = 10
        upsampling = 0
        mode = hog
        frame_skip = 5
        number_of_people = 10
        use_pipe = True
        model_selection = 0
        min_detection_confidence = 0.6
        person_frame_face_encoding = False
        same_time_recognize = 2
        set_area = NONE
        movie = assets/test.mp4
        user =
        passwd =
        rectangle = False
        target_rectangle = False
        draw_telop_and_logo = False
        default_face_image_draw = False
        show_overlay = False
        alpha = 0.3
        show_percentage = False
        show_name = False
        crop_face_image = True
        frequency_crop_image = 5
        crop_with_multithreading = False
        Python_version = 3.8.10
        cpu_freq = 2.5
        cpu_count = 4
        memory = 4
        gpu_check = True
        calculate_time = False
        show_video = False
        number_of_crops = 0

.. image:: ../assets/images/one_point_R.png
    :width: 70%
    :alt: one point


    (The output string has been formatted to make it easier to read.)

    .. code-block:: python

            'img': array([[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], ..., [0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8),
            'face_location_list': [(165, 449, 287, 327), (240, 435, 391, 284)],
            'overlay': array([[[  0,   0,  70],  ..., [ 88, 169, 127]], dtype=uint8),
                    'name': '安倍晋三',
                    'pict': 'output/安倍晋三_2022,10,08,19,17,41,346789_0.2.png',
                    'date': '2022,10,08,19,17,41,344598',
                    'location': (165, 449, 287, 327),
                    'percentage_and_symbol': '99.7%'
                    'name': 'Unknown',
                    'pict': 'output/安倍晋三_2022,10,08,19,17,41,346789_0.2.png',
                    'date': '2022,10,08,19,17,41,344598',
                    'location': (240, 435, 391, 284),
                    'percentage_and_symbol': ''


    * Dictionary

        * img: NDArray of a frame
        * face_location_list: List of face-coordinates
        * overlay: Shallow copy of img
        * person_data_list: List of person-coordinate which is included in 'face_location_list'

    In addition, the 'person_data_list' variable is an array that contains the variables described below.

    * List

        * Dictionary

            * name: name
            * pict: Saved image's file name which is cropped by face-coordinate in a frame
            * date:
            * location: Face-coordinate
            * percentage_and_symbol: xx%

Source code:
    `data_structure.py <https://github.com/yKesamaru/FACE01_DEV/blob/master/example/data_structure.py>`_

# Operate directory: Common to all examples
import os.path
import sys
dir: str = os.path.dirname(__file__)
parent_dir, _ = os.path.split(dir)

from typing import Dict

from face01lib.Core import Core
from face01lib.Initialize import Initialize

[ドキュメント] def main(exec_times: int = 50) -> None: """Output data structure. Data structure of FACE01 can be get as frame_datas_array variable. Args: exec_times (int, optional): Number of frames for process. Defaults to 50 times. Returns: None """ # Initialize CONFIG: Dict = Initialize('DEFAULT', 'info').initialize() # Make generator gen = Core().common_process(CONFIG) # Repeat 'exec_times' times for i in range(0, exec_times): # Call __next__() from the generator object frame_datas_array = gen.__next__() for frame_datas in frame_datas_array: print(f"frame_datas: {frame_datas}\n")
if __name__ == '__main__': # Call main function. main(exec_times=1)